Monday, January 24, 2011

Let the Wedding Season Begin

I think 2011 is going to be the year of the wedding. I have four weddings between now and July. Thankfully, the brides are some of my dearest friends and I love how much they have allowed me to be a part of the planning, bridal showers and bachelorette parties.

I am learning so much about weddings. I had no idea what went into planning and organizing the nuptials, reception, etc. It is kind of baffling to me. Plus, I feel like vendors try to overcharge and ripoff couples at every turn. It is just wrong.

But anyway, moving on. The first wedding was this past weekend. Ryan and Vermille surprised us all with their summer travel extravaganza and surprise Vegas wedding last year. But it all culminated with one huge reception Saturday at the Tampa Museum of Art. Everything was beautifully decked out in pink, black and white.

There was also a fabulous treats table, filled with candy, popcorn and three cakes. Yum!

But of course, the highlight of the evening was Ryan and Vermille, or Rymille as they are affectionately called.. They made a star studded entrance down the main staircase and immediately went into their first dance; an awesome choreographed number to "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. They danced the entire room and finished with a nice dip right by my table.

There was also tons of dancing, drinks and a few Alcoballics kickball cheers. What can I say? We are a spirited bunch.

Overall, the entire night was very Rymille. Fun, adventurous, high energy and so many other adjectives. There was a bagpiper, a group of flamenco dancers, glow bracelets and wands. It was a great celebration of their life and love for one another.

I wish Ryan and Vermille all the love and happiness in the world. I am so lucky to call both of them my friends. I look forward to hearing about the wonderful adventures they have in their life, including their Safari honeymoon.

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